Sweet potato ovenfries with dip
Delicious sweet potato parts with a creme fraiche dip with lots of flavor
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How to do it
Preheat the oven to 200•C. Wash the sweet potatoes well (without peeling them). Cut them in half (in the length). Cut every half in 6 long pieces.
Put baking paper and soms olive oil in a roasting pan. Use the 2 spoons of olive oil to mix with the sweet potatoes. Mix the corianderseed and seasalt together and mix with the slices of sweet potatoes. Divide them evenly over the roasting pan.
Roast the sweer potatoes for +- 30 minutes or until grilled well. Mix them after 15 minutes so all parts get evenly cooked.
For the dipping sauce: finely chop the lemongrass. Grate the peel of the lime and squeeze out the juice. Peel and grate the ginger. Mix all together with the creme fraiche and seasalt.
Finely chop the red pepper and sprinkle it over the baked sweet potato parts.
Serve the sweet potato parts apart from the dippingsauce and enjoy the goodness!
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