Zongedroogde tomaat humus pasta en geroosterde bloemkool
Pasta met húmus saus en zongedroogde tomaten
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How to do it
Cut the cauliflower in chunks, season with peper and salt, sprinkle with olive oil and top with the coriander seeds
Put the cauliflower in the over for 20 min at 200 degrees Celsius
Boil water for pasta (add a little bit salt) Put in the pasta for 8-9 min Put the dry sundried tomato in a small bowl with hot water to well
Cut the onion Heat olive oil in a sauce/frying pan Saute the onion
Cut the garlic Add to the onion Saute untill soft
Cut the sundried tomato in pieces and add to the onion garlic
Add the humus Add Some pasta water to make it a sauce
Let it sudder and thicken for 5 min Add Some 7 spices mix
Add the pasta and let the pasta absorb the sauce Add extra pasta water if needed
Put on a plate, sprinkle with chili flakes and servethe roasted cauliflower with it! Nutritional yeast can be Nice with it!
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